Key Covers

Key covers for the renovation of piano keyboards.

These replacement white key covers have four possibitities with also a choice of white or an off white to imitate ivory. (see illustration showing the differences)
The choices are with or without fronts and with a  50mm head length or 52mm head length.

The poly-plastic is completely opaque and is 3mm thick.* It can be stuck with white glue or contact glue. Slight overlaps may need triming on some pianos.

* If replacing ivory keys, which are usually 1mm thick, the difference will make the  ebony notes too low and the key top rail will also need trimming. There are two options to correct this problem.

1 Bring the ebonies up with balance rail washers and also correct the dip with front touch washers. Check that regulation of action is unaffected.

2 The other option is to skim down the tops of the white note keys by 2mm.

Videos of the latter will be available soon.